Sensing Energy in the Hands: Tingling

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One of the coolest ways that you can begin working with energy immediately, is through sensing energy in the hands.

The first time I connected with this, I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. Now a whole series of specific sensations have made their way into a Chakredy® context that I teach others.

Want to strengthen your energetic abilities right this second?

Here’s what you’ll learn in today’s video:
-How to sense energy in the hands
-How to connect with the specific sensation of tingling
-What the tingling sensation may suggest energetically
-How to apply this to yourself and to others

Time to get to magic work!

Sensing Energy in the Hands: Tingling


Yay! I love teaching this. Over the years I’ve found that learning how to connect with sensation in the hands can help to strengthen the connection with pendulums. Of course, this observation has been specific to the Chakredy® work but I feel can be related across the board.

Today, I’m going to teach you:
1. How to sense energy in the hands
2. How to connect with the specific sensation of tingling
3. What the tingling sensation may suggest energetically
4. How to apply this to yourself and to others

Step 1: How to sense energy in the hands
To increase sensitivity in the hands, rub them together and use your thumb to press on the center of each palm. Begin bringing your hands closer together and further apart until you sense a sphere-like presence of energy, like an invisible energy ball.

Step 2: connect with the specific sensation of tingling
Instruct the energy to reveal the specific sensation of tingling in the hands. Practice allowing this sensation to come through and noticing it as an observer present in your body. Practice sitting back in your energy and experiencing it if you have a tendency to get fixated in the head.

Step 3: What tingling may suggest energetically
Tingling may be one of the first sensations you notice when you begin sensing energy in the hands. It can be one of the more prominent sensations to experience as well.

This tingling or subtle buzzing maybe suggest that an initial connection is being made. This sensation can suggest that you have established an initial connection with an energy. It can also suggest that you are picking up on energy outside of your own.

Step 4: How to apply this to yourself and to others
Once you have connected with this sensation in the hands, see if you can use one hand to scan your body. Let’s focus on the upper body. Do you notice this sensation dissipate or become more prominent over different areas of the body? Are there any associations that you make with this?

Then! Try this with a partner.
Place your hands over a partner’s energy field. Notice if you experience tingling.
Where does the tingling increase or decrease? Check in with your partner. Is this significant to the person’s current physical and/or energetic experience?

Hope this was fun for you. I know it was fun for me!

To immediate gratification and the mad energy skills that come with!

Energy Healing Root Chakra

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